The Power of Knowledge-Sharing “KUA was called into being by one of our kupuna (elders), Uncle Mac Poepoe, who gave it life and breathed it into existence,” says early KUA co-founder Debbie Gowensmith. Debbie supports community-driven movements and played a key...
Youth-Led Network Bridges Gaps As the saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Fortunately, a group of young people in Maine, including Amara Ifeji, recognize gaps in their educations and are doing something about it. Their goal? To ensure the next...
Breaking Down Barriers Important things happen when people have meaningful experiences outdoors. In high school, Shealynn “Shea” O’Brien feels welcomed without judgment. “It’s nature,” she says, “There’s a different kind...
Helping More People Benefit from Positive Experiences Outdoors Recently appointed Vice President for Education and Chief Equity Officer for the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Autumn Saxton-Ross, Ph.D., didn’t experience America’s national parks until...
Connecting Kids to Themselves, Each Other, and the World Around Them When kids who attend Camp ACE at Peralta Hacienda Historical Park look back, they remember safari-style exploring, observing insects and doing scientific water quality experiments in Peralta Creek....