Our shared narrative
The new narrative:
We believe everyone has the right to live in and feel connected to a healthy community. Communities thrive when the people within them have opportunities for meaningful experiences outdoors, whether at a nearby park, a garden or on the shores of an ocean. Getting outside connects us to ourselves, to each other and to the world around us, reminding us that we are part of a much bigger story. Building these connections increases people’s quality of life, health and social wellbeing, which are benefits everyone deserves. We have a shared responsibility to open the doors to all people, regardless of where they live or their backgrounds, and ensuring their experiences outdoors are positive and rewarding. The more people who connect in this way with nature, the more our communities are strengthened and the more we all benefit.
Long story short:
When people have meaningful experiences outdoors their quality of life, health and social wellbeing improve, and in turn their communities become stronger and more sustainable. Everyone deserves the opportunity to enjoy time outdoors, because when people connect with nature we all benefit.
What is a shared narrative?
The shared narrative is designed to reach and influence new audiences, and advance outcomes including conservation, education, health and wellness, social justice and civic engagement, and youth development. A shared narrative is inspiring and compelling, offering space for each stakeholder to see their purpose and place in the vision. It is the story behind the story that ensures everyone who tells the story uses a common and effective vocabulary, and anyone who hears it comes away with a shared understanding of the importance of participating in the new future.
Please visit the Rethink Outside shop
Rethink Outside photos courtesy of Big City Mountaineers, Children & Nature Network, Education Outside, Life Lab, Lincoln Park Zoo, NatureBridge, National Park Service, National Park Trust, Ocean Discovery Institute, Pie Ranch, Tiny Trees, and YES. Website by Weirdesign.com.

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