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Past events
October 26, 2022 | 11 am PT / 2 pm ET
Access to and ownership of land for farming is a challenge for many farmers who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color. Structural socio-economic inequalities and historical discrimination in credit markets, state and federal programs, and real estate are just a few of the barriers that challenge the economic viability of BIPOC farm operations. Land access is a necessity for building food sovereignty, without which BIPOC communities cannot fully embrace their food history, agricultural practices, and knowledge to produce healthy, culturally appropriate foods.
Join Rethink Outside™ to learn about land conservation initiatives that address these historic inequities and create alternative systems for fostering stewardship and land ownership to support thriving BIPOC communities.
This is an open webinar – all are welcome and registration is required. The webinar will be recorded.
– Kierra Hyman, Triangle Land Conservancy
– Camille Samuels, Ph.D. student & Rethink Outside™ Fellow
– Cee Stanley, Green Heffa Farms
September 14, 2022 | 11 am PT / 2 pm ET
Indigenous communities are in reciprocal relationship with the lands, water, and natural habitats. For time immemorial and to this day, Indigenous peoples’ knowledge, traditions, and inherent connection to the outdoors thrives despite violent removal. Join Rethink Outside™ to honor and spotlight organizations led by and serving Indigenous, Native, and Tribal communities to promote equitable access to the outdoors. By cultivating outdoor experiences through an Indigenous lens, these organizations are supporting Indigenous and Tribal communities and advocating for Indigenous rights.
This webinar is co-hosted by the Blue Sky Funders Forum and the First Nations Development Institute.
Featured speakers:
– Abbi Han (moderator), First Nations Development Institute
– Kyle Trujillo, Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps
– Ashley Mueller, Native American Fish & Wildlife Society
– Verna Volker, Native Women Running
– Jolie Varela, Indigenous Women Hike

July 20, 2022 | 11 am PT / 2 pm ET
Join Rethink Outside™ as we honor and spotlight organizations working to remove barriers to outdoor access for folx in LGBTQIA2S+ communities. Although LGBTQIA2S+ folx have always been in the outdoors, they have historically been made to feel unsafe, marginalized, and oppressed in these spaces. These organizations – The Venture Out Project, Mariposas Rebeldes, Ten Oaks Project, Queer Out Here – straddle the focus areas of ecology, outdoor recreation and adventure, food autonomy, place-based skills, and educational opportunities that empower communities to reconnect with the natural world. Registration is required. The event is open to all, and the session will be recorded.
Featured speakers:
– SJ Lupert, The Venture Out Project
– Israel Tordoya Henckell, Mariposas Rebeldes
– Lux, Camp Ten Oaks
– Ailish Breen, Queer Out Here

November 16, 2021 | 10 am PT / 1 pm ET
What does it mean to Rethink Outside™? Join this webinar to learn more as we spotlight leading organizations – Trust for Public Lands, Blue Star Families, Disabled & Outdoors, and Outdoor Asian – taking action to Rethink Outside™. You will hear from and interact with leaders who are rethinking outside for their specific audiences, but at the core, ensuring that the benefits of time spent outdoors is a human right. In doing so, they are redefining the boundaries of who is outdoors, reframing the barriers and potential solutions, and reaching out to non-traditional partners and allies.
Featured speakers:
– Dr. Sadiya Muqueeth, Trust for Public Land
– Nicole Rawlinson, Blue Star Families
– Ambika Rajyagor, Disabled & Outdoors
– Grace Fan, Outdoor Asian

October 19 & 21, 2021 | 9 am PT / 12 pm ET
Hosted by Seven November, Inc., this two-session, hands-on workshop will build the capacity of environmental education practitioners to craft compelling stories using the frame of the Rethink Outside shared narrative. This workshop is open to anyone in the environmental education field who would like to learn the power of storytelling for communicating with funders, partners, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Register here.

Join us for an informational webinar about the inaugural Rethink Outside™ Fellowship. Registration is required.
Learn more about the fellowship. View the recorded sessions here.

What might racial healing look like for the movement to connect children and nature? Join the Blue Sky Funders Forum and the Children & Nature Network for this encore screening of the phenomenal conversation between author Heather McGhee and Dr. Gail C. Christopher. Join us afterwards for a live panel discussion. Watch a recording of the live discussion.

Rethink Outside Stories and Strides: An Open Webinar featuring Rethink Outside Partners
April 7, 2021 | 10 am PT / 1 pm ET
In the first Rethink Outside webinar of the year, we featured the stories and strides made by Rethink Outside partners in using the shared narrative and resources. Participants had the opportunity to connect with and learn from partner organizations and explore ideas for engagement with the campaign. This webinar, hosted by Blue Sky Funders Forum, was free and open to all. Featuring speakers from Outdoor Afro, Backyard Basecamp, OUT There Adventures, and Insight Garden Program.
Access the recording and slides here.

The Power and Potential of Stories
October 22, 2020 | 12:30 – 2 pm PT / 3:30 – 5 pm ET
To mark the one-year anniversary of the Rethink Outside campaign, Blue Sky and The Joy Trip Project co-hosted a panel discussion on the importance of storytelling. This unique event, moderated by James Edward Mills (The Joy Trip Project), featured prominent storytellers who shared insights and inspiration on the power of creative expression as a means to create a future where everyone has positive experiences outdoors and shares the joy, health, growth, and sense of community that come with it.
Please visit the Rethink Outside shop
Rethink Outside photos courtesy of Big City Mountaineers, Children & Nature Network, Education Outside, Life Lab, Lincoln Park Zoo, NatureBridge, National Park Service, National Park Trust, Ocean Discovery Institute, Pie Ranch, Tiny Trees, and YES. Website by

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